domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018


alcohol (álkohol) - alcohol
analgesic (analdchísik) - analgésico
antacid tablets (antácid táblets) - pastillas antiácidas
anti-inflammatory (anti-inflámatori) - antiinflamatorio

anti-itch cream (anti-itch krím) - crema contra la picazón
antibiotic (anti-baiótik) - antibiótico
antiseptic (anti-séptik) - antiséptico
Band-Aid (bánd-éid) - vendaje

bandage (bándidch) - venda
barbiturate (barbítiurit) - barbitúrico
bottle of aspirin (bótl ov áspirin) - frasco de aspirinas
calcium (kálsiom) - calcio

cold tablets (kóuld táblets) - comprimidos para el resfriado
cotton wool (kóton úul) - algodón
cough drops (kóf drops) - comprimidos para la tos

disinfectant (disinféktant) - desinfectante
dose (dóus) - dósis
drugstore (drágstor) - farmacia
eye drops (ái drops) - gotas para los ojos

first-aid box (férst-éid boks) - caja de primeros auxilios
gauze (góos) - gasa
hormone (hórmoun) - hormona
injection (indchékshon) - inyección

insulin (ínsiulin) - insulina
iodine (áiodain) - yodo
lab (lab) - laboratorio
laxative (láxativ) - laxante

medicine (médisin) - medicamento
needle (níidl) - aguja
ointment (óintment) - pomada
painkiller (péin kiler) - calmante para el dolor

peroxide (péroksáid) - agua oxigenada
prescription (priskrípshn) - receta
remedy (rémedi) - remedio
sedative (sédativ) - sedante, calmante

skin cream (skín krím) - crema para la piel
sleeping pills (slíipin pils) - pastillas para dormir
sunburn cream (sánbern kríim) - crema para quemaduras de sol
suppository (supositóri) - supositorio

syringe (sríndsh) - jeringa
syrup (sírop) - jarabe
thermometer (zermomíter) - termómetro
throat spray (zróut spréi) - spray para la garganta

tissues (tíshus) - pañuelos de papel
tube of ointment (tiúb ov-óintment) - tubo de pomada
vitamin C (váitamin sí) - vitamina C

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018

Adverbs of frequency

We use some adverbs to describe how frequently we do an activity.

These are called adverbs of frequency and include:

   Frequency       Adverb of Frequency       Example Sentence
   100%    always    I always go to bed before 11 p.m.
   90%    usually    I usually have cereal for breakfast.
   80%    normally / generally    I normally go to the gym.
   70%    often* / frequently    I often surf the internet.
   50%    sometimes    I sometimes forget my wife's birthday.   
   30%    occasionally    I occasionally eat junk food.
   10%    seldom    I seldom read the newspaper.
   5%    hardly ever / rarely    I hardly ever drink alcohol.
   0%    never    I never swim in the sea.

The Position of the Adverb in a Sentence

An adverb of frequency goes before a main verb (except with To Be).

Subject + adverb + main verb 

  • I always remember to do my homework. 
  • He normally gets good marks in exams. 

An adverb of frequency goes after the verb To Be.

Subject + to be + adverb 

  • They are never pleased to see me. 
  • She isn't usually bad tempered. 

When we use an auxiliary verb (have, will, must, might, could, would, can, etc.), the adverb is placed between the auxiliary and the main verb. This is also true for to be.

Subject + auxiliary + adverb + main verb 

  • She can sometimes beat me in a race. 
  • I would hardly ever be unkind to someone. 
  • They might never see each other again. 
  • They could occasionally be heard laughing. 

We can also use the following adverbs at the start of a sentence:
Usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally
  • Occasionally, I like to eat Thai food. 

BUT we cannot use the following at the beginning of a sentence:
Always, seldom, rarely, hardly, ever, never.

We use hardly ever and never with positive, not negative verbs:

  • She hardly ever comes to my parties. 
  • They never say 'thank you'. 

We use ever in questions and negative statements:

  • Have you ever been to New Zealand?
  • I haven't ever been to Switzerland. (The same as 'I have never been Switzerland'). 

Adverbs of Definite Frequency 

We can also use the following expressions when we want to be more specific about the frequency:
  • every day 
  • once a month 
  • twice a year 
  • four times a day 
  • every other week 
  • daily 
  • monthly
Adverbs of Frequency Exercises

The following exercises will help you to gain better understanding about how adverbs of frequency work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. I ________________ late on Saturdays.
a. Get up usually
b. Get usually up
c. Usually get up

Answer: C. I usually get up late on Saturdays.

2. Jared ______________ late for work.
a. Never is
b. Is never

Answer: A. Jared is never late for work.

3. _______________ on weekends?
a. Often do you travel
b. Do you often travel
c. Often you do travel

Answer: B. Do you often travel on weekends?

4. Susan ________________ early for class.
a. Often is
b. Are often
c. Often are
d. Is often

Answer: D. Susan is often early for class.

5. When do you ____________ go on vacation each year?
a. Always
b. Never
c. Usually
d. Ever

Answer: When do you usually go on vacation each year?

Each of the following sentences have a mistake. Find it and correct it.

  1. I always am happy when I finish work early
  2. Susan has been never to Thailand
  3. Gerald needs to take his medication three times for day
  4. Always I try to arrive at the office before 9 a.m
  5. It doesn’t hardly ever rain in Almería
  6. I eat sometimes muesli for breakfast
  7. I always don’t remember my keys when I leave the house


  1. I am always happy when I finish work early
  2. Susan has never been to Thailand
  3. Gerald needs to take his medication three times a day
  4. I always try to arrive at the office before 9 a.m
  5. It hardly ever rains in Almería
  6. I sometimes eat muesli for breakfast Sometimes, I eat muesli for breakfast
  7. I don’t always remember my keys when I leave the house

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2018

The human body

abdomen (ábdomen) - vientre
ankle (ánkl) - tobillo
appendix (apéndix) - apéndice
arm (áarm) - brazo

armpit (áarmpit) - axila
artery (árteri) - arteria
back (bák) - espalda
beard (bíerd) - barba

belly (béli) - panza
bladder (bláder) - vejiga
blood (bláad) - sangre
bones (bóuns) - huesos

bottom (bótom) - trasero
brain (bréin) - cerebro
breasts (brésts) - mamas

bust (bást) - busto
buttocks (bátoks) - nalgas
calf (káaf) - pantorrilla
cheekbones (chíikbóuns) - pómulos

cheeks (chíiks) - mejillas
chest (chést) - pecho
chin (chín) - mentón
ears (íars) - orejas

elbow (élbou) - codo
eyebrows (áibráus) - cejas
eyelashes (áiláshis) - pestañas
eyelids (áilids) - párpados

eyes (áis) - ojos
face (féis) - cara, rostro
feet (fíit) - pies
fingers (fínguers) - dedos

fist (fist) - puño
flesh (flesh) - carne
foot (fút) - pie
forearm (fóorárm) - antebrazo

forehead (fór hed) - frente
genitals (dchénitals) - genitales
hair (héer) - cabello
hand (hánd) - mano

head (héd) - cabeza
heart (hárt) - corazón
heel (híil) - talón
hips (hips) - caderas

instep (ínstep) - empeine
intestines (intéstins) - intestinos
jaw (dchó) - mandíbula
kidneys (kídnis) - riñones

knee (níi) - rodilla
knuckles (nákls) - nudillos
leg (leg) - pierna
limbs (limbs) - extremidades

lips (lips) - labios
liver (líver) - hígado
lungs (lángs) - pulmones
moustache (mostásh) - bigote

mouth (máuz) - boca
muscles (másls) - músculos
nails (néils) - uñas
nape (néip) - nuca

navel (néivl) - ombligo
neck (nék) - cuello
nipples (nípls) - pezones, tetillas
organs (órgans) - órganos

palm (páam) - palma
pancreas (pánkrias) - páncreas
pelvis (pélvis) - pélvis
penis (pínis) - pene

rib (rib) - costilla
shin (shín) - espinilla, canilla
shoulder (shóulder) - hombro
sideburns (sáidbérns) - patillas

skeleton (skéleton) - esqueleto
skin (skin) - piel
skull (skál) - cráneo
sole (sóul) - planta

spine (spáin) - columna vertebral
stomach (stómak) - estómago
teeth (tíiz) - dientes
temples (témpls) - sienes

thigh (zái) - muslo
thorax (zórax) - tórax
throat (zróut) - garganta
toes (tóus) - dedos (del pie)

tongue (tóng) - lengua
tooth (túuz) - diente
torso (tórsou) - torso
trunk (tránk) - tronco

vagina (vadcháina) - vagina
vein (véin) - vena
waist (uéist) - cintura
wrinkles (rínkls) - arrugas
wrist (ríst) - muñeca