domingo, 5 de enero de 2014


Whole Numbers also known as Cardinal Numbers - used for counting

   Symbol       Word    
   0    Nought/Zero   
   1    One
   2    Two
   3    Three
   4    Four
   5    Five
   6    Six
   7        Seven
   8    Eight
   9    Nine
   10    Ten

More numbers

   11       Eleven    
   12    Twelve   
   13    Thirteen
   14    Fourteen
   15    Fifteen
   16    Sixteen
   17    Seventeen   
   18    Eighteen
   19        Nineteen
   20    Twenty
   21    Twenty-one   
   30    Thirty
   40       Forty    
   50    Fifty   
   60    Sixty
   70    Seventy
   80    Eighty
   90    Ninety
   100    One hundred   
   101    One hundred and one   
   1,000        One thousand
   1,000,000       One million
   1,000,000,000,000        One billion   

Ordinal Numbers - used for ranking

   In figures         In words    
   the first   
   the second
   the third
   the fourth
   5th    the fifth
   6th    the sixth   
   7th    the seventh
   8th        the eighth
   9th    the ninth
   10th    the tenth   
   11th    the eleventh
   12th       the twelfth    
   13th    the thirteenth   
   14th    the fourteenth
   15th    the fifteenth
   16th    the sixteenth
   17th    the seventeenth
   18th    the eighteenth   
   19th    the nineteenth   
   20th    the twentieth
   21st       the twenty-first    
   22nd        the twenty-second    
   the twenty-third   
   the twenty-fourth
   the twenty-fifth
   the twenty-sixth
   27th    the twenty-seventh
   28th    the twenty-eighth   
   29th    the twenty-ninth
   30th        the thirtieth
   40th    the fortieth
   50th    the fiftieth   
   60th    the sixtieth
   70th       the seventieth    
   80th    the eightieth   
   90th    the ninetieth
   100th    the hundredth
   101st    the hundred and first     
   1000th    the thousandth

Letters as Numbers

~ k ~
The letter k is often used to denote a thousand. So, 1k = 1,000.
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of £12k it means £12,000.00.
~ m ~
The letter m is often used to denote a million. So, 1m = 1,000,000.
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of £12m, apply for it!
~ bn ~
The letters bn denote a billion. So, 1bn is usually 1,000,000,000 (see above).
If you see a job advertised and it offers a salary of £12bn, it's probably a missprint.
The word myriad used to mean 10,000. Nowadays it's used to refer to a countless number or multitude of specified things.
For example: Earth hosts a myriad of animals.

Expressing the year
How we write the year
How we say the year
Two thousand and eight  
Nineteen hundred  
Nineteen fifty-nine   
The year 2000   

Expressing the date
How we write the date
1st January 2004
August 12 2003
How we say the date
The first of January 2004  
The seventh of September 1959  
August the 12th 2003   

For single days and dates we use on.
For example:
I was born on the 7th of the month.
For months we use in.
For example:
I was born in September.
My birthday is on September the 7th.

Naturally speaking
How to ask the day or date
  • What day is it please? It's Tuesday.
  • What date is it please? It's the 1st of April.
  • What's the date today please? It's the 1st of April.
Interesting Stuff
AD stands for Anno Domini (Latin for "In the year of (Our) Lord"), abbreviated as AD. It defines an epoch based on the traditionally-reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. it is used in the English language to denote years after the start of this time.
BC stands for Before Christ (from the Ancient Greek "Christos" or "Anointed One", referring to Jesus), abbreviated as BC, it is used in the English language to denote years before the start of this time.
Some non-Christians also use the abbreviations AD and BC without intending to acknowledge the Christian connotation, but some people prefer the alternatives 'CE' (Common Era) and 'BCE' (Before Common Era), arguing that they are more neutral terms.
A millennium (pl. millennia) is a period of one thousand years.
A century is a period of one hundred consecutive years. Centuries are numbered ordinally (e.g. "the nineteenth century").
A decade is a period of 10 years.
The decades from 1920 to 1999, are called "the Twenties", "the Sixties", etc. But the current decade has no universally accepted name. Some refer to the decade as the "twenty hundreds" while others may refer to it as the "two thousands". In written form, this could appear as "the '00s" or "the 2000s". But writing "the 2000s" or simply saying "the two-thousands" can cause confusion, since this could refer to the entire 21st century or even the entire millennium.
Some people tried to popularize "the Noughties" as the decade's name. This is a play on words, nought means "zero" and noughties sounds both like nineties and naughty.
Note - When writing the date as numbers British and American English differ. To write the date 7th of September 2007 a Brit would write dd/mm/yy (07/09/07) and an American would write mm/dd/yy (09/07/07). This often causes great confusion. It's better to write the date in full (7th September 2007 or September 7th 2007). It also looks nicer.

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