lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Repaso oraciones condicionales

Oraciones condicionales con unless
Frecuentes son también las oraciones condicionales con unless (a no ser que/a menos que), que denotan una condición sin cuyo cumplimiento el hecho expresado en la principal no puede realizarse.
Equivalen, por tanto, generalmente, a las introducidas por if + el verbo en forma negativa:
She won't go to sleep unless you tell her a story = she won't go to sleep if you don't tell her a story - no se quedará dormida a menos que le cuentes una historia
We'll have dinner out tonight unless you're too tired = we'll have dinner out tonight if you're not too tired cenaremos fuera esta noche, a no ser que estés demasiado cansada/si no estás demasiado cansada
pero conviene tener en cuenta que if....not y unlessno son siempre intercambiables:
I think Steve would be happier if he didn't work so hard - creo que Steve sería más feliz si no trabajara tanto (en este caso, no puede usarse unless, porque es un hecho, no una suposición, que Steve trabaja mucho).

Otras conjunciones empleadas en la oración subordinada
Además de if y unless, pueden usarse otras conjunciones condicionales, como: provided (that)/providing (that)/as long as/on condition that - siempre que/con tal que/a condición de que:
I'll let you in on the secret, provided/providing/as long as/on condition (that) you don't tell anybody - te contaré el secreto, con tal de que/siempre que/a condición de que no se lo digas a nadie.


Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en el tiempo adecuado.
  1. He wouldn't have sold planes to Egypt if he _________ (elect) President
  2. If I __________ (be) you, I wouldn't trust him
  3. You would feel a lot better if you __________ (take) this medicine
  4. If he kissed my girlfriend, I __________ (be) jealous
  5. If he does that, he __________ (live) to regret it
  6. You __________ (see) her if you had come earlier
  7. If it had been fine, I __________ (go) for a walk
  8. If I __________ (have) enough money, I would invite all my friends
  9. If you are a good boy, I __________ (take) you to the cinema
  10. There will be more people killed if we __________ (stop) that war.


Convierte las siguientes oraciones en third conditionals
  1. If I knew her number, I would phone her
  2. If he asks me, I'll lend him the money
  3. What would you do if she didn't come to the party?
  4. If you could speak English fluently, you'd get the job
  5. If they win that match, they'll be champions
  6. If the alarm clock doesn't go off, I'll be late for work

Transforma las siguientes oraciones, de modo que uses unless en todas ellas, menos en una en la que no es posible hacerlo
  1. I'll organize the party as long as you arrange the food
  2. Speak only when you're spoken to
  3. I won't go to the party if I'm not invited
  4. We can't survive if we don't give serious thought to the problem of pollution
  5. If business doesn't pick up soon, we'll be bankrupt by the end of the year
  6. We would go out if it wasn't raining
  7. Use this gun only if your life is in danger
  8. I'll see you next month if nothing unexpected happens
  9. She says she'll never marry if she doesn't find the ideal man
  10. Accept the job only if it is a well-paid one

1.- had been elected; 2.- were; 3.- took; 4.- would be; 5.- will live; 6.- would have seen; 7.- would have gone; 8.- had; 9.- will take; 10.- don't

  1. If I had known her number, I would have phoned her
  2. If he had asked me, I would have lent him the money
  3. What would you have done if she hadn't come to the party
  4. If you had been able to speak English fluently, you would have got the job
  5. If they had won that match, they would have been champions
  6. If the alarm clock hadn't gone off, I would have been late for work

  1. I won't organize the party unless you arrange the food
  2. Don't speak unless you're spoken to
  3. I won't go to the party unless I'm invited
  4. We can't survive unless we give serious thought to the problem of pollution
  5. Unless business picks up soon, we'll be bankrupt by the end of the year
  6. No es posible usar unless
  7. Don't use this gun unless your life is in danger
  8. I'll see you next month unless something unexpected happens
  9. She says she'll never marry unless she finds the ideal man
  10. Don't accept the job unless it is a well paid one

Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en el tiempo adecuado:
  1. She wouldn't marry him if he __________ (not be) a millionnaire.
  2. The lid __________ (leak) if you don't do it up tightly.
  3. If he wasn't/weren't so vain, he __________ (have) more friends.
  4. I'd like to drive a racing car if I __________ (have) the chance.
  5. If I had invested in The Costa del Sol, I __________ (be) rich now.
  6. If he __________ (be) honest, he would have returned the money.
  7. If it __________ (rain), I'll give you a lift.
  8. If water is frozen, it __________ (expand).
  9. If I __________ (practise) more, I wouldn't have failed my driving test.
  10. If I had been more careful, I __________ (not cut) my finger.

Transforma las oraciones en (a), usando unless en todas ellas y empezando con la palabra dada en (b):
1a.- If it doesn't get more money, the hospital will close.
1b.- The ____________________
2a.- Speak to him only if he speaks to you first.
2b.- Don't ____________________
3a.- Without a change in your attitude, you'll never be a champion.
3b.- You'll ____________________
4a.- If the economy doesn't pick up, I'll go back to my country.
4b.- I'll ____________________
5a.- You will be taken to court if you don't pay up.
5b.- Unless ____________________
6a.- My brother-in-law will sell the car to somebody else if I don't telephone him today.
6b.- Unless ____________________

1.- wasn't/weren't; 2.- will leak; 3.- would have; 4.- had; 5.- would be; 6.- had been; 7.- rains; 8.- expands; 9.- had practised; 10.- I wouldn't have cut.

1b.- The hospital will close unless it gets more money.
2b.- Don't speak to him unless he speaks to you first.
3b.- You'll never be a champion unless you change your attitude.
4b.- I'll go back to my country unless the economy picks up.
5b.- Unless you pay up, you will be taken to court.
6b.- Unless I telephone him today, my brother-in-law will sell the car to somebody else.

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