jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Phrasal Verbs with two particles


Replace the verb in italics with a synonymous phrasal verb with two particles:

1.- He was despised by almost everybody who knew him.
2.- That old law was abolished long ago.
3.- I am not prepared to tolerate insolence from you!
4.- Well, I attribute his failure to the recent death of his mother.
5.- If you admit the offence, we shall deal with you leniently.
6.- In life one has to confront a good many problems of this kind.

1.- looked down on; 2.- done away with; 3.- put up with; 4.- put his failure down to; 5.- own up to; 6.- face up to.


Rewrite using the correct tense of a phrasal verb with the word given in brackets:

1.- Sorry, Sir, we have no more shirts your size. (sell)
1.- Sorry, Sir, ________________________ shirts your size.

2.- David and his partner have started their own catering business. (set)
2.- David and his partner _____________ caterers.

3.- He left his girlfriend when she got pregnant. (run)
3.- When his girlfriend got pregnant ___________

4.- She can't be serious. Her husband's peculiar sense of humour must have affected her. (rub)
4.- She can't be serious. Her husband's peculiar sense of humour must ___________ her.

5.- He isn't capable of doing that vile action. Someone must have instigated him. (put)
5.- He isn't capable of doing that vile action. Someone must _________ it.

6.- We all admired our English teacher. (look)
6.- We all ________ our English teacher.


1.- we have/we've sold out of; 2.- have set themselves up as; 3.- he ran out on her; 4.- have rubbed off on; 5.- have put him up to; 6.- looked up to

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