lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017

B2 Grammar: Ways of expressing the future

Ways of expressing the future

There are many ways of talking about the future in English. Here is a list of the most important ones.

Future simple
1 with things which are not certain, especially with I think, I hope, I expect, probably and maybe.
She’ll probably phone later.
I think it’ll be warmer next week.
2  predictions for the future
Sea levels will rise by several centimetres.
The climate will change.
3  will can also be used to:
  • make requests
  • make promises
  • make offers
  • express a decision made at  the moment of speaking
Will you help me with y homework?
I won’t forget.
I’ll buy you a sandwich if you’re hungry.
That’s the phone ringing – I’ll  get it!
Future continuous
For something happening / in progress at a specific time in the future, or over a period of time in the future
Don’t phone me at 9 o’clock because I’ll be having dinner.
In 2050, sea levels will still be rising.
Future perfect
For things completed before a time mentioned in the future
You can phone me at ten because I’ll have finished dinner by then.
He’ll have made 1 million by the time he’s 25.
“going to” future
1 predictions about the future based on present evidence
Your work is so good that I reckon you’re going to get a Grade A.
Look at the clouds! I think it’s going to snow.
2  future plans and intentions
I’m going to study biology at university.
He says he’s going to phone you tomorrow.
Present continuous
Things arranged between people for the future
I’m seeing the dentist tomorrow – I made the appointment last week.
Present simple
Events fixed on a timetable
The flight to Paris takes off at six.

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