lunes, 8 de enero de 2018


Look at the job adverts and the CV and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. Preparation Tick all the things that you write on a CV. Then look at the CV below and see if you were right. 1. date of birth 8. friends 2. address 9. languages spoken 3. family 10. references 4. pets 11. telephone number 5. education history 12. email address 6. work experience 13. favourite food 7. skills

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Circle the best answer or answers to complete these sentences.
1. Where does Natasha live? a. Liverpool b. London c. Leeds
2. How many of her exams did Natasha pass at school? a. 0 b. 2 c. 9
3. Natasha doesn't have an email address. a. true b. false c. answer not given
4. Are all the advertised jobs for weekend work? a. yes b. no c. answer not given
5. Which two jobs are for weekday evenings? a. babysitter b. waiters and waitresses c. computer shop assistant d. lifeguard
6. Which three jobs could Natasha apply for? a. babysitter b. waitress c. computer shop assistant d. lifeguard

2. Check your writing: gap fill – completing a CV
Use the headings in the box to complete the CV.
Languages References Email Education Address Date of birth Work experience Skills and interests Mobile

CV – Martin Luke Moore 1 _______________ 26 August 1997 2 _______________ 94 Albion Street, Birmingham, B23 2TF 3 _______________ 4 _______________ 0778 445 288 5 _______________ 7 GCSEs including English, Maths and Science 6 _______________ Cashier at a large supermarket 7 _______________ French – A2, German – A2 8 _______________ Mountain biking, drawing and computer programming 9 _______________ Mr Williams, Albion High School, Park Drive, Birmingham

Have you ever had a part-time job? Do you think it's a good idea for students to do part-time work?  

Answers to A CV – exercises

Preparation 1.  date of birth 8. friends 2.  address 9.  languages spoken 3. family 10.  references 4. pets 11.  telephone number 5.  education history 12.  email address 6.  work experience 13. favourite food 7.  skills 1. Check your understanding: multiple choice 1. a. Liverpool 2. c. 9 3. b. false 4. b. no 5. a. babysitter, d. lifeguard 6. a. babysitter, b. waitress, d. lifeguard 2. Check your writing: gap fill – completing a CV 1. Date of birth 2. Address 3. Email 4. Mobile 5. Education 6. Work experience 7. Languages 8. Skills and interests 9. References

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