domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

Grammar Unit Too + adjective

  • The adverb too + adjective has a negative meaning – when we use too, we mean “more than is good” or “more than I want”
          I´ve only got £300, and the CD player costs £450. It´s too expensive.
          It´s only 5°C today. I don´t want to go out – it´s too cold.
  • Compare too with very, which doesn´t have a negative meaning.
          The film was very good.
        This computer costs £3,000 – it´s very expensive. But I´ve got lots of money, so for me it isn´t too expensive

  • Adverbs usually go with verbs – they describe an action
          We walked home slowly
          The train arrived late
          Drive carefully!
          Some adverbs can also go with adjectives.
          It was bitterly cold yesterday
          I get extremely nervous before an exam
          The house was beautifully warm inside
  • A lot of adverbs are formed by adjective + ly 
          quiet          quietly
          bad            badly
          polite         politely

          If the adjective ends in le, we drop the e and add y.

          terrible                terribly
          comfortable        comfortably

          If the adjective ends in consonant + y, we change the y to i and add ly.

          easy           easily
          happy        happily
          lucky         luckily
  • Some adverbs are irregular – the don´t have an ly ending
          good        well
          fast           fast
          hard         hard
          early        early
          late           late

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