martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Phone chat

Do you like spending time with your mates? How do you organise a night out? Look at the phone chat and do the exercises to improve your reading skills.


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–f next to the numbers 1–6.
a film that makes you laugh
an art film
enthusiastic (about)
a comedy
a film about criminals involved in organised crime
a gangster film
a film with serious themes made by a small, independent studio
to end up doing something
to finally do something
keen (on)
a type of electronic dance music with a fast beat

Check your understanding: multiple choice

Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
1. They’re meeting up at ___.
a. 7 o’clock
b. about 7 o’clock
c. about 2 o’clock

2. They’re going to ___.
a. have something to eat
b. have a coffee
c. go dancing before the film

3. The Island Club plays ___ music.
a. dance
b. rock
c. pop

4. __ has been to The Island Club before.
a. Iggy
b. Marc
c. Barney

5. They’re going to see a __.
a. gangster film
b. comedy
c. musical

6. Cat’s worried that the film will be too __.
a. loud
b. boring
c. violent  

Check your understanding: gap fill

Fill the gaps with the correct name from the box.
Cat   Marc   Marc   Cat   Iggy   Iggy

1. ______ suggests what time to meet.
2. ______ ‘s friend has recommended a good nightclub.
3. ______ likes Iggy’s suggestion to go to The Island Cllub.
4. ______ suggests having a coffee before the film.
5. ______ likes techno.
6. ______ comments that Iggy always has his way.


1. f
2. d
3. a
4. c
5. e
6. b
Check your understanding: multiple choice
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. c
Check your understanding: gap fill
1. Marc
2. Iggy
3. Marc
4. Cat
5. Iggy
6. Cat

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