domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

Text messaging: Abbreviations

LOL: laugh out loud
Bcs/coz: because
Brb: be right back
Asap: as soon as possible
C u l8r: see you later
Hun: honey
Rofl: rolling on the floor laughing
b-day: birthday
g2g: got to go
2day: today
2mrw: tomorrow
Ox ox: hugs and kisses
Omg: oh my god
ATB // All the best // A way of saying goodbye
ATM // At The Moment // Now
B // Be
B4 // Before
B4N // Bye For Now // A way of saying goodbye
BBL // Be Back Later // I will return later
BBS // Be Back Soon // I will return soon
BF // Boyfriend // A boy a girl is seeing romantically
BFN/B4N // Bye for now // A way of saying goodbye
BFz4evr // Best friends forever // A promise to be best friends
BHL8 // Be home late // I will be home late tonight
BN // Been
BOL // Best of luck // Wishing someone success on something that he / she is going to do
BRB // Be Right Back // I will return very soon
BRT // Be Right There // I will come to where you are
BTW // By The Way // A way of mentioning a new subject
CMON // Come On // Expression meaning 'are you serious?', or 'I don't believe you'
CU // See you // A way of saying goodbye
CU Soon // See you soon // A way of saying goodbye
CU@ // See you at // Making an appointment to meet someone at a specific time, for example 'CU@11pm'
CUB L8R // Call you back later // I will telephone you latter
CUL // See you later // A way of saying goodbye
CUL8R // See You Later // A way of saying goodbye
CYA // See you around, See ya // A way of saying goodbye
DO U WNT ME // do you want me? // Asking a person if they want to be with you romantically
doN // Doing // Explaining what a person is doing at the moment
Dur? // Do you remember // Asking a person about a memory of the past
EVRY1 // Everyone
EZ // Easy
EZY // Easy
F? // Friends? // Would you like to be friends with me?
F2F // Face to face // In person
F2T // Free to talk // I can talk now
FAQ // Frequently Asked Questions // Important questions asked by many different people
FC // Fingers Crossed // I'm hoping that something happens
FOMCL // Fell out of my chair laughing // Very, very funny
FWIW // For What It's Worth // This is my opinion, good or bad
FYA // For your amusement // I think you might find this funny
FYI // For Your Information // This is something I thought you might want to know
KIT // Keep in touch // Let's keep talking to each other in the future
L8 //Late
L8R // Later // A way of saying goodbye
LETS C A FLCK // let's see a flick // Should we see a movie or film?
LMAO // Laugh My Ass Off // Very funny
LOL // Laughing Out Loud // Very funny
LTNC // Long time no see // We haven't seen each other for a very long time
LtsGt2gthr //Lets get together // We should meet
LUV //Love
Luv U // Love You
Luv U2 // Love you too
PLS // Please
PLZ 4GV ME // Please forgive me
PRT // Party
PTB // Please Text Back // Please write me back an SMS
PUKS // Pick Up Kids // Pick up the children from somewhere
QT // Cutie // Attractive, pretty
R // Are // The verb 'to be'
RGDS // Regards // A way of saying goodbye, or of greeting another person's friend or family
RINGL8 // Running Late // I'm behind schedule today
RLR // Earlier // Something that happened before
ROFL // Rolling On The Floor Laughing // Very funny
ROFLOL // Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud // Very funny
ROTG // Rolling on the ground // Very funny
RTFM // Read the flaming manual // You should learn how to criticize someone
RU CMNG // Are You coming // Are you going to come with me / us?
RU? // Are you?
Y // Why?
YBS // You’ll be Sorry // You'll regret what you are going to do
YGM // You got mail // You have e-mail
YR // Your
ZZZZ // Sleeping // I'm tired, bored or annoyed

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