lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017


Love them or hate them, tattoos are really popular nowadays in the UK. What do you think of tattoos?

In Britain, tattoos used to be seen mainly on sailors, prisoners and bikers and were considered as a sign of being a rebel. However, now they are popular with all kinds of people and it’s pretty normal to have a tattoo these days.

Which design?

Japanese and Chinese characters, and loved ones' names are among the most popular designs today. Mario, who runs his own tattoo parlour, says ‘I have more women than men customers. Women often prefer smaller designs like stars, flowers, cherubs and men are into much bigger images.’ Many well known Brits have tattoos. Here are some of them:
  • David Beckham has a crucifixion scene and his kids’ names on his back. He has a tattoo in Hindi of his wife’s name.
  • Victoria Beckham has stars on her back to symbolise the members of her family.
  • Robbie Williams has a lion on his right arm, Maori designs on his left arm, a French phrase on his collar bone, the musical notes to ‘all you need is love’ on lower his back, ‘I love you mother’ on his arms, 2 birds on stomach and many more!
  • Kate Moss has a small crown on her shoulder.
  • Samantha Cameron, wife of the British Prime Minister, has a dolphin tattooed on her ankle.

Tattoo events

There are annual tattoo events that attract thousands of visitors such as the International London Tattoo Convention and the Brighton Tattoo Convention. At these events you can get a tattoo done or see human bodies completely covered in tattoos. Chris, 18, from Stratford attended the Brighton Tattoo Convention last year. What’s his advice for someone thinking of having a tattoo done? ‘Fashions change but tattoos are forever. Make sure that you choose a design that you like.’


Tattoos are not just for the young. Many people are now going for their first tattoo in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s.

“My dad got a tattoo done for his 50th birthday. I thought it was going to look rubbish but it’s actually pretty cool.” 
Lewis, from Middlesbrough


A professor of sociology has studied the history of tattooing in the West. According to the professor, it was fashionable for rich people to have small tattoos in 19th-century Europe. These tattoos were designs which represented their families. 

Then, tattoos became a symbol of working class masculinity. Now they are being reinvented as a middle-class symbol. As tattoos become popular with all kinds of people, the trend seems set to continue.


1. Check your understanding: true or false.

Tattoos were mainly popular with sailors, prisoners and bikers in the past.
It´s common to have the name of someone you love tattooed in a different language.
The British Prime Minister is famous for having many tattoos.
Tattoo events are held every year in the UK.
Hardly any people aged over 30 have tattoos done in Britain.
Tattoos are becoming popular with different kinds of people.

2. Check your vocabulary: grouping
Write the words in the correct group.

flower          musical notes          ankle          back          arm          stomach           names          lion           crown          shoulder          star          collar bone          dolphin          cherub

                   Tattoo designs                              
                   Parts of the body                        

3. Check your understanding: matching
Match to make correct sentences about the text. Write a-h next to the numbers 1-8.

1. David Beckham has a crucifixion scene tattoo a. on his arms.
2. David Beckham has a tattoo in Hindi b. on his collar bone.
3. Victoria Beckham has stars c. of his wife's name.
4. Robbie Williams has a lion d. on her ankle.
5. Robbie Williams has 'I love you mother' tattooed            e. on his right arm.
6. Robbie Williams has a French phrase f. on her back.
7. Kate Moss has a small crown g. on her shoulder.
8. Samantha Cameron has a dolphin tattooed h. on his back.


2. Tattoo designs: flower, musical notes, names, lion, crown, star, dolphin, cherub
    Parts of the body: ankle, back, arm, stomach, shoulder, collar bone

3. 1 h, 2c, 3 f, 4 e, 5 a, 6 b, 7 g, 8 d

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