martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

Using stative verbs in the continuous form

Angelic Dan is being bad today! But 'bad' Dan has some 'good' tips for using state verbs in the continuous form.

Watch the video and complete the activity


Many verbs have two different forms (a state one and a dynamic one) with a change in meaning:

  • I have a dog (I own a dog). I'm having a shower (I am taking a shower now).
  • Mike's usually so energetic! (a personality trait). Why's he being so lazy? (current behaviour).

We can use the present continuous with forever, always and constantly to show annoyance about a repeated habit:

  • You're forever interrupting me.
  • I know I quit, but I'm constantly wanting a cigarette.

State verbs can be used in the continuous form to make requests and questions more polite and less direct:

  • Sorry to interrupt. I was wanting to borrow the car.

Sometimes we use a state verb in the continuous form to emphasise a strong feeling at the moment of speaking:

  • I'm loving this party!
  • I don't care how long the chef took to cook it. I'm not accepting that.

Some idioms and set phrases use state verbs in the continuous form:

  • I just don't know what to do about this situation. It's really weighing on my mind.
  • I've been seeing my boyfriend for a few months now.

To do

Are you loving learning about stative verbs?  Try this quiz to find out how well you are doing.


1. In which sentence does the speaker seem more annoyed?
You ask a lot of questions in class
You're forever asking questions in class

2. Which of these sentences is NOT correct?
My dad's being really selfish: I don't know why he won't drive me to the party.
He's got loads of money; he's being a lawyer!
He's always being rude and I've had enough!

3. In which of these sentences are Camille and Philippe in a romantic relationship?
Camille has been seeing Phillippe for a few months.
Philippe sees Camille about once a week.
Camille and Philippe were seeing each other for a year.

4. These sentences all contain state verbs which are normally only used in the simple form. Which one contains a form that is becoming more common nowadays?
I'm owning two cars at the moment.
I'm really loving this lesson.
I'm definitely believing in ghosts.

5. All these sentences contain the verb 'smell' - but which one is correct?
This perfume is smelling amazing.
I'm just smelling the fish to see if it has gone off.
You need a shower - you're smelling terrible!

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