martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Grammar Unit Be going to

  • We use be going to to talk about things we intend to do in the future.
          I´m going to visit my grandfather at the weekend.
          Marco is going to buy some new jeans tomorrow.
  • The form is the present simple of be + going to + base form of the verb.
          I´m going to stay at home on Sunday.
          She isn´t going to spend much money.
  • The questions is formed with the present simple of be + subject + going to + base form of the verb.
          Are you going to watch the film tonight? Yes, I am/No, I´m not.
          Is Paul going to meet you after school? Yes, he is/No, he isn´t.

  • We can also use be going to to make predictions based on things we know or can see.
          Look at the clouds. It´s going to rain soon.
          Silvana didn´t ring her parents. They´re going to be angry with her.

  • Must is similar to have to. We use it to say that it is necessary or very important to do something.
          You must come home before 11 o´clock.
           I´m late – I must go!.
  • We use mustn´t to say that it is necessary or very important not to do something.
          You mustn´t be late.
           I mustn´t forget to go to the bank.

          Mustn´t has a different meaning from don´t/doesn´t have to.
          You don´t have to leave now.
          You mustn´t leave now.
  • Must is a modal, like will. We use must/mustn´t + base form of the verb, not to infinitive. The form of the verb is the same for all subjects and we don´t use any form of do in the negative.
          I must get up early tomorrow.
          I mustn´t miss the train.

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