martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Grammar Unit Will/Won't

  • We use will(´ll) and won´t to make predictions about the future.
          When I´m older, I´ll live in France.
           I won´t live in England.
           I´m sure you´ll pass the test tomorrow.
          The questions won´t be very difficult.
  • Will is a modal. We use will/won´t + base form of the verb, and the form is the same for all subjects. We don´t use any form of do in the negative.
          You´ll pass the test .
          You won´t pass the test.
          Most students will pass the test.
          Most students won´t pass the test.
  • Questions are formed with will + subject + base form of the verb. Again, we don´t use any form of do in questions or short answers.
          Will Sonia go to university? Yes, she will/No, she won´t.
          Will your brothers come to the party? Yes, they will/No, they won´t.

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