domingo, 31 de enero de 2016

Grammar Unit First Conditional

  • In conditional sentences there are two clauses, an if clause and a result clause. We use the first conditional when it is possible or likely that the situation in the if clause will happen in the future.
          If I pass the test, my parents will be happy.
          If it doesn´t rain, we´ll go for a walk.
  • The if clause is formed with if + subject + present simple. The result clause is formed with subject + will + base form of the verb. There is a comma after the if clause.
          If he sees Martina, he´ll tell her about the party.
          If we have time, we´ll do some shopping at the supermarket.
          If you don´t start your homework soon, you won´t finish it tonight.
  • We can change the order of the two clauses. In this case, there is no comma between the clauses.
          He´ll tell Martina about the party if he sees her.
          We´ll do some shopping at the supermarket if we have time.

  • If indicate a possible situation. If we use when instead of if, it indicates that we are sure that the situation is going to happen.
          If he sees Martina, he´ll tell her about the party.
          When he sees Martina, he´ll tell her about the party.

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