domingo, 24 de enero de 2016

Grammar Unit Should/shouldn't

  • When we want to say that something is a good idea (or is not a good idea), we can use should or shouldn´t.
          I should work this evening
          The shouldn´t buy that computer
          Should we go home now?
  • Should is another modal, like will and must. We use should/shouldn´t + base form of the verb, not to infinitive. The form of the verb is the same for all subjects and we don´t use any form of do in the negative.
          I should lose some weight
          I shouldn´t eat this chocolate
  • Questions are formed with will + subject + base form of the verb. Again, we don´t use any form of do in questions or short answers.
          Should we wait for Lisa? Yes, we should / No, we shouldn´t
          Should I tell my parents? Yes, you should / No, you shouldn´t

  • We use a form of the question What´s it like? If we want to hear a description or opinion of something/someone. The answer to this question will often contain adjectives.
          What´s she like? She´s an interesting person and she´s very intelligent
          What are your neighbours like? They´re OK. They´re polite but they´re not very friendly
  • The question is formed with What + be + subject + like?
          The word like doesn´t change – it is quite different from the verb like.
          What´s the weather like today?
          What are those cakes like?
          Did you meet Helen´s cousins? What were they like?
  • Remember that What´s it like? And How …? Have different meanings. We use How …? To ask about someone´s general state.
          What´s Tom like? He´s really nice.
          How´s Tom? He´s fine.

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