lunes, 4 de enero de 2016

New Year’s resolutions

It's that time of year again. Everyone has eaten their weight in chocolate, presents have been given and copious amounts of time have been spent with loved ones. It's time to say goodbye to 2015 and give a big warm welcome to 2016!

Every year millions of people around the world look toward the New Year with a new sense of hope and  excitement. And with that comes the inevitable "New Year's resolution". Questions are coming in thick and fast, "what're you going to be doing this year?" "What is your New Year's resolution?" For the most of us, we probably have been too busy to think about that. And for the sceptics amongst us, the question will be answered with a "well, what's the point, nobody can stick to them anyway".

But that's not true. The fact is that you're simply doing it wrong. What people don't realise is that no matter how well intentioned the resolution, if it's not specific enough, then it simply won't stick.
Compre these two resolutions:
  1. To learn English.
  2. To do an English grammar exercise every day.

Which do you think is more attainable? The first open ended resolution? Or the second more specific resolution?

Your resolution needs to be something that you can achieve and something simple. If you choose to give up all sweet foods then, unless you're some sort of God, the chances are that sooner or later that sweet chocolate goodness is going to find its way to you. But if you choose to cut down on chocolate and eat for example only one chocolte bar a week, then it's more realistic.

So this year, yes, push yourselves! Think about something you've always wanted to do, something you can see yourself doing in 2016, whether that's improving your English, learning a new skill or playing a new sport! But make your resolution something specific, something you can measure and check your progress. Go ahead, challenge yourself! And then stick to it! Head into the New Year with a new energy and excitement and become the you that you want to be!

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