martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Prepositions On, At and In

A preposition is a word that links a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase to some other part of the sentence.

Prepositions can be tricky for English learners. There is no definite rule or formula for choosing a preposition. In the beginning stage of learning the language, you should try to identify a preposition when reading or listening in English and recognize its usage.
  • to the office
  • at the desk
  • on the table
  • in an hour
  • about myself

A preposition is used to show direction, location, or time, or to introduce an object.

Here are a few common prepositions and examples.

On sobre, encima de algo
Uso (lugar): Se coloca delante de nombres de lugares con base como mesas, suelos, etc…, cuando nos referimos a lugares de una habitación como techo o pared y para indicar que alguien está dentro de un transporte público o en una planta de un edificio.
Used to express a surface of something:
  • I put an egg on the kitchen table.
  • The paper is on my desk.

Used to specify days and dates:
  • The garbage truck comes on Wednesdays.
  • I was born on the 14th day of June in 1988.

Used to indicate a device or machine, such as a phone or computer:
  • He is on the phone right now.
  • She has been on the computer since this morning.
  • My favorite movie will be on TV tonight.

Used to indicate a part of the body:
  • The stick hit me on my shoulder.
  • He kissed me on my cheek.
  • I wear a ring on my finger.

Used to indicate the state of something:
  • Everything in this store is on sale.
  • The building is on fire.

At en, a, al, cerca de
Uso (lugar): Se usa delante de edificios como casas, aeropuertos, universidades (para indicar que estamos dentro), antes de "top" (parte superior), "bottom" (parte inferior), "the end of" (al final de), para indicar acontecimientos como reuniones, fiestas, conciertos, deportes, etc..., detrás de "arrive" (llegar) cuando nos referimos a lugares que no sean ciudades o países.

Used to point out specific time:
  • I will meet you at 12 p.m.
  • The bus will stop here at 5:45 p.m.

Used to indicate a place:
  • There is a party at the club house.
  • There were hundreds of people at the park.
  • We saw a baseball game at the stadium.

Used to indicate an email address:
  • Please email me at

Used to indicate an activity:
  • He laughed at my acting.
  • I am good at drawing a portrait.

In en, dentro, dentro de
Uso (lugar): Se usa para indicar tanto espacios cerrados como espacios abiertos. Lo utilizamos para indicar que algo está dentro de una cosa, en un lugar cerrado, o en el interior de algo físicamente. Sin embargo, como vemos en los ejemplos, también se utiliza para indicar que se está en un lugar geográfico.

Used for unspecific times during a day, month, season, year:
  • She always reads newspapers in the morning.
  • In the summer, we have a rainy season for three weeks.
  • The new semester will start in March.

Used to indicate a location or place:
  • She looked me directly in the eyes.
  • I am currently staying in a hotel.
  • My hometown is Los Angeles, which is in California.

Used to indicate a shape, color, or size:
  • This painting is mostly in blue.
  • The students stood in a circle.
  • This jacket comes in four different sizes.

Used to express while doing something:
  • In preparing for the final report, we revised the tone three times.
  • A catch phrase needs to be impressive in marketing a product.

Used to indicate a belief, opinion, interest, or feeling:
  • I believe in the next life.
  • We are not interested in gambling.

[Quiz 22.1]
Identify all prepositions in the following sentences.

After flying for many hours, we finally got off the airplane. We walked out the exit and went to the baggage claim area. There were hundreds of different bags on the conveyer belt. I almost picked up the wrong one because it looked like mine.

[Quiz 22.2]
Choose a correct preposition in the sentence.
  1. I want to lose 5 kilogram _____________ (on, at, in) one month.
  2. Could you get me this pants _____________ (on, at, in) a larger size?
  3. She seems to be interested ____________ (on, at, in) Psychology.
  4. I will come to pick you up ___________ (on, at, in) 2 pm tomorrow.
  5. This class will be held ____________ (on, at, in) Mondays.

After flying for many hours, we finally got off the airplane. We walked out the exit and went to the baggage claim area. There were hundreds of different bags on the conveyer belt. I almost picked up the wrong one because it looked like mine.

1) in
2) in
3) in
4) at
5) on

Acting as Time Prepositions

Usamos "at" para:
At + hora del día
  • At 6:30 - A las 6:30
  • At 7 o'clock - A las siete
  • At dawn - Al amanecer
  • At lunchtime - Al mediodía
  • At midnight - A la medianoche

At + día festivo
  • At Christmas - En Navidad
  • At Easter - En Pascuas
  • At New Year - En Año Nuevo
  • At Lent - En Cuaresma
  • At Holy Week - En Semana Santa

At + ciertas expresiones
  • At the moment - En este momento
  • At the weekend - El fin de semana
  • At that time - En ese tiempo
  • At night - A la noche
  • At noon - Al mediodía

Usamos "on" para:
On + día
  • On Monday - El lunes
  • On Tuesday - El martes
  • On Wednesday - El miércoles
  • On Thursday - El jueves

On + día + parte del día
  • On Friday morning - El viernes por la mañana
  • On Saturday afternoon - El sábado por la tarde
  • On Sunday evening - El domingo a la noche

On + fechas
  • On Christmas Day - El día de Navidad
  • On July 4th - El 4 de Julio
  • On December 31st 1966 - El 31 de diciembre de 1966

Usamos "in" para:
In + partes del día
  • In the morning - Por la mañana
  • In the afternoon - Por la tarde
  • In the evening - Por la noche

In + meses
  • In January - En enero
  • In February - En febrero
  • In May - En mayo

In + años
  • In 1966 - En 1966
  • In 1845 - En 1845
  • In the 1960s - En los sesenta

In + estaciones del año
  • In summer - En verano
  • In spring - En primavera
  • In fall / autumn - En otoño
  • In winter - En invierno
  • In the early summer - El comenzar el verano

In + largos períodos
  • In the 19th century - En el siglo 19
  • In the past - En el pasado
  • In the future - En el futuro
  • In the Middle Ages - En la Edad Media
  • In the Stone Age - En la Edad de piedra

In + referencia al futuro
  • I will be there in two days - Estaré allí en dos días
  • In nine months - En nueve meses
  • In five minutes - En cinco minutos
  • In three years - En tres años
  • In seven hours - En siete horas

Acting as Place Prepositions
At + lugares comunes
  • At home - En casa
  • At school - En la escuela
  • At work - En el trabajo
  • At university - En la universidad
  • At the dentist's - En el dentista
  • At the movies - En el cine
  • At the theater - En el teatro
  • At the airport - En el aeropuerto
  • At the library - En la biblioteca
  • At the doctor's - En el doctor
  • At the bank - En el banco
  • At a concert - En el concierto
  • At a meeting - En la reunión
  • At a party - En la fiesta
  • At John's - En lo de John
  • At Laura's - En lo de Laura

At + lugares específicos
  • At Madison Square Garden
  • At Kennedy Airport
  • At Buckingham Palace
  • At the University of Florida

At + direcciones y domicilios
  • At 2354 Rivadavia Avenue
  • At 3456 Belgrano Street

At + ciertas cosas o posiciones
  • At the top - En la cima / arriba de todo
  • At the bottom - En el fondo / debajo de todo
  • At the side - A un lado/costado
  • At the front - En el frente
  • At the back - En la parte de atrás
  • At the end - Al final
  • At the door - En la puerta
  • At the window - En la ventana
  • At the reception - En la recepción

Usamos "on" para:
On + superficies
  • On the floor - En el piso
  • On the ceiling - En el techo
  • On the table - En la mesa
  • On the chair - En la silla
  • On the list - En la lista
  • On the map - En el mapa
  • On the beach - En la playa
  • On the shelf - En el estante

On + medios de transporte
  • On a ship - En un barco
  • On a train - En un tren
  • On a plane - En un avión
  • On a bus - En un autobús
  • On a bicycle - En una bicicleta
  • On a motorcycle - En una motocicleta
  • On a horse - A caballo
  • On a ferry - En un transbordador

On + partes del cuerpo
  • On my leg - En mi pierna
  • On your arm - En tu brazo
  • On his shoulder - En su hombro

On + direcciones
  • On the left - A la izquierda
  • On the right - A la derecha
  • On the way - En el camino

On + ciertas cosas y lugares
  • On the radio - En la radio
  • On television - En la TV
  • On a farm - En una granja

Usamos "in" para:
In + países
  • In Argentina
  • In Spain
  • In Mexico

In + ciudades
  • In New York
  • In Madrid
  • In Mexico City

In + habitaciones
  • In the bathroom - En el baño
  • In the kitchen - En la cocina
  • In the bedroom - En el dormitorio

In + cuerpos de agua
  • In the sea - En el mar
  • In the water - En el agua
  • In a river - En un río
  • In the ocean - En el océano

In + clima/tiempo
  • In the rain - En la lluvia
  • In the sun - En el sol
  • In the wind - En el viento
  • In the fog - En la neblina

In + ciertos lugares y expresiones
  • In prison - En prisión
  • In hospital - En el hospital
  • In bed - En la cama
  • In Oak Street - En la calle Oak
  • In a line - En una cola
  • In a row - En fila
  • In a queue - En una cola
  • In the sky - En el cielo
  • In a book - En un libro
  • In a magazine - En una revista
  • In a letter - En una carta
  • In a mirror - En un espejo
  • In a car - En un auto
  • In a taxi - En un taxi
  • In a helicopter - En un helicóptero

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