miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

A food review

A review should…
  • use interesting vocabulary.
  • try to catch the reader’s interest.
  • be clearly organised.
  • use a neutral style, but you have to check who you are writing the review for.

What should you do before you start review writing…
  • be sure about what you are reviewing and its purpose
  • check who will read it.
  • decide what style you will use for your review.
  • be careful not to follow a report style.

Useful language
1. introduction: say what you are reviewing.
  • The (film, book…etc) I would like to review is…..
  • The last Film I saw / book I read was…….

2. explain: give details of what you reviewing.
  • It’s set in……….
  • The story is based on (a book..) …..
  • It’s about…..
  • There are many memorable characters including ….
  • The main theme of the film is…..
  • What the film is saying is…..

3. opinion: give your own opinion of what you are reviewing.
  • I would recommend this film to anyone.
  • Although I enjoyed it, I would not recommend it for….
  • It’s one of the best (shows) I’ve ever seen.
  • Although I am not normally keen on (musicals), I am glad that I decided to go.
  • The (film) lifts you out of your everyday life.

  • DO say what it is about, but not in too much detail.
  • DO remember to mention important or memorable characters, but DON`T spend too much time just describing them.
  • DO try to use a range of interesting vocabulary to bring the film to life for the reader.
  • DO remember to link ideas clearly, and to link paragraphs together.
  • DO remember to give your opinion clearly, as this is the purpose of a review, but not until the end.

To Sum up a Food Review should include:

Paragraph 1: Introduction

Name of Restaurant

Type of Restaurant


Overall opinion

Paragraph 2

Talk about Particular dishes, state your opinion about the service, decoration…

Paragraph 3

Talk about things you liked and the price

Paragraph 4

A general recommendation

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