sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Mars One introduction film

Would you like to go and live on Mars? There are plans for a group of scientists to settle on Mars in 2023. Find out more in this video.


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8.
  1. …….. to establish      a. newspapers, television, the internet, radio and magazines
  2. …….. a settlement      b. a type of machine used to travel on planet surfaces
  3. …….. the media      c. to start something that will exist for a long time
  4. …….. the globe      d. a place that can be lived in
  5. …….. a private enterprise      e. ideas that you think are nonsense
  6. …….. mumbo-jumbo      f. a place where people will live and make into a community
  7. …….. habitable      g. a business that is owned and managed by independent people or businesses and not by the government
  8. …….. a planetary rover      h. the world

1. Check your understanding: true or false
    Circle True or False for these sentences.
  1. The first group of five humans will land on Mars in 2023.    True    False
  2. Prof. Dr Gerard T Hooft has changed his initial view of the project.    True    False
  3. Humans last went to Mars in the 1970s.    True    False
  4. The crew will not be coming back from Mars.    True    False
  5. The mission will be financed by creating the biggest media event ever.    True     False
  6. Aerospace companies from around the world will supply the equipment.    True    False
  7. Government and taxpayers' money will also help finance the project.    True    False
  8. The first humans to go there will prepare the settlement for the arrival of the others.    True    False
  9. The journey to Mars will take seven years.    True    False
  10. Prof. Dr Gerard T Hooft is completely positive about the project.    True    False

2. Check your understanding: multiple choice
    Circle the best answer to these questions.
  1. Mars One will establish a human settlement on Mars in __________.    a. 2023 b. 2020 c. 2032
  2. The last time that humans walked on the moon was in __________.    a. 1979 b. 1792 c. 1972
  3. In __________, a communications satellite and a supply mission will be sent to Mars.    a. 2016 b. 2017 c. 2018
  4. Then, in __________, a large planetary rover will be sent to Mars.    a. 2020 b. 2018 c. 2016
  5. Next, in __________, living units, life support units, a rover and more supplies will be sent to Mars.    a. 2021 b. 2022 c. 2020
  6. When the settlement is fully operational and habitable, a crew will then depart in September __________.    a. 2023 b. 2022 c. 2024

  Would you apply for the job to live on Mars?

  What do you think about the Mars One project?                                                  


1. c 2. f 3. a 4. h 5. g 6. e 7. d 8. b

1. Check your understanding: true or false
1. False 2. True 3. False 4. True 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. False 9. False 10.True

2. Check your understanding: multiple choice
1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b

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