sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

Science experiment in space

What do you think will happen if you wring out a wet cloth in space? Astronaut Chris Hadfield performed a simple science experiment designed by high school students to find out.


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – h next to the number 1 – 8.
1…….. a vice                   a. the natural force that causes objects to fall to the ground or pulls them towards a planet
2…….. surface tension      b. to twist and squeeze (a wet cloth or hair) to remove water
3…….. a washcloth           c. a tool used for holding something tightly
4…….. gravity                  d. completely wet
5…….. soaking                 e. to suddenly force (a liquid) out through a small opening
6…….. to float              f. a small cloth that you use to wash your face or body; a flannel (UK
7…….. to wring                g. the natural force existing in a liquid that holds its surface together
8…….. to squirt                h. to stay in the air or to rest on top of a liquid

1. Check your understanding: true or false
    Circle True or False for these sentences.
  1. There is no gravity on board the space station.   True   False
  2. Washcloths at the space station are shaped like hockey pucks.   True   False
  3. Chris does a magic trick with the washcloth.   True   False
  4. Chris wets the washcloth by dipping it in a bag.   True   False
  5. The water stays on Chris's hands.   True   False
  6. Chris wrings all the water out of the washcloth.   True   False
  7. The washcloth unravels in the air.   True   False
  8. The experiment worked.   True   False

2. Check your understanding: ordering
    Write a number (1-6) to put these sentences in order.

  1. …………. The washcloth becomes a tube of water.
  2. …………. Chris lets go of the washcloth.
  3. …………. Chris squirts water from a bag onto the washcloth.
  4. …………. The water stays on Chris’s hands.
  5. …………. Chris wrings out the washcloth.
  6. …………. Chris opens up the compressed washcloth.

3. Check your grammar: word2word
    Write the words in the correct order to make sentences.
  1. I’m you some cool washcloths going to show _______________________________________
  2. use I’m going to the washcloth This is for the experiment ______________________________
  3. this washcloth going to I’m get soaking wet _________________________________________
  4. what happen see will We’re going to ______________________________________________ 
  5. I’m water going to this washcloth squirt into ________________________________________ 
  6. happen What going to is ? _______________________________________________________


1. c 2. g 3. f 4. a 5. d 6. h 7. b 8. e

1. Check your understanding: true or false
1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. False 8. True

2. Check your understanding: ordering
    4 The washcloth becomes a tube of water.
    5 Chris lets go of the washcloth.
    2 Chris squirts water from a bag onto the washcloth.
    6 The water stays on Chris’s hands.
    3 Chris wrings out the washcloth.
    1 Chris opens up the compressed washcloth.

3. Check your grammar: word2word
  1. I’m going to show you some cool washcloths.
  2. This is the washcloth I’m going to use for the experiment.
  3. I’m going to get this washcloth soaking wet.
  4. We’re going to see what will happen.
  5. I’m going to squirt water into this washcloth.
  6. What is going to happen?

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