lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

SuperJam set to make Teenager A Millonaire

Do you have any special family recipes? Watch this video about a Scottish teenager who has created an international business from his Gran's jam recipe.


Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the number 1–8.
  1. …….. a break     a. to make something, especially by using machines
  2. …….. jammy      b. to provide things that people want or need
  3. …….. to go down a treat     c. to be enjoyable and a success
  4. …….. lucrative     d. very pleased or happy
  5. …….. to produce     e. making a lot of money
  6. …….. an entrepreneur     f. lucky (informal)
  7. …….. to supply     g. an opportunity that helps you become a success
  8. …….. delighted     h. someone who starts their own business and is willing to take risks

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
  Choose the best answer to these questions.
  1. How did Fraser learn how to make jam?    a. His parents taught him.    b. His grandmother taught him.    c. He taught himself.
  2. Where did Fraser NOT sell his jam?    a. in factories    b. at church fairs    c. at farmers’ markets
  3. Where is Fraser’s jam produced now?    a. in his parents’ house    b. in his gran’s house    c. in a factory
  4. What is special about Fraser's jam?    a. It’s from Scotland.    b. It has grape juice in it.    c. It’s made in a factory.
  5. Fraser's father wants him to ___.    a. succeed    b. retire    c. move out of the house
  6. Fraser would like to start selling his jam in ___.    a. Britain    b. the USA    c. his neighbourhood

2. Check your understanding: gap fill – numbers
   Complete the gaps with a number from the box.

        14        19         a few dozen         1000         2009         half a million     
  1. Fraser started making jam when he was _______________ years old.
  2. When Fraser was making jam in his parents’ kitchen, he could only cook _______________ jars of jam at a time.
  3. Now that Fraser’s jam is made in a factory, over _______________ jars of SuperJam are produced every year.
  4. Fraser’s jam is sold at almost _______________ supermarkets in Britain.
  5. In _______________, Fraser hoped to sell his jam in America.
  6. Fraser’s accomplishments are impressive for someone who is only _______________ years old.
3. Check your grammar: gap fill – gerund or infinitive
   Complete the sentences with a correct form of the verb in brackets. Use either the gerund or the infinitive.
  1. Fraser’s gran taught him how _______________ jam. (make)
  2. Fraser practised _______________ jam in his parents’ kitchen. (cook)
  3. _______________ grape juice to sweeten the jam was Fraser’s idea. (use)
  4. Fraser hopes _______________ the American market. (crack)
  5. Fraser’s father hopes his son will keep _______________ and make enough money so he can retire (go).
  6. Fraser Doherty is well on his way to _______________ a millionaire. (become)

  Do you have any special family recipes?
  Would you like to start your own business?   

1. g 2. f 3. c 4. e 5. a 6. h 7. b 8. d

1. Check your understanding: multiple choice
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b

2. Check your understanding: gap fill – numbers
1. 14
2. a few dozen
3. half a million
4. 1000
5. 2009
6. 19

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – gerund or infinitive
1. to make 2. cooking 3. Using 4. to crack 5. going 6. becoming

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