martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

The Apple watch: technology gone too far?

For those of you who haven’t heard of it, the Apple watch is the latest invention from the infamous creators of the iPhone and Apple Mac. As the name suggests, this creation is a device designed to tell us the time. This is Apple, however, and an Apple watch is never just a watch. In fact, this accessory is multifunctional; not only does it show us the time, but it also acts as a fitness monitor and a messaging device that can be connected with an iPhone.

Is this a genius invention or technology gone too far?

Whilst the upcoming Apple watch is stylish in appearance, I can’t help but question certain aspects of the new device. Is it a positive thing to be able to receive messages through a watch, or is this another way of letting technology disrupt our social lives?

Thanks to the invention of the smartwatch, we will no longer have to reach for our phones to check our messages. Imagine the possible consequences. A group of friends sitting at a table in a restaurant will ignore each other as everyone will be too busy watching their wrists in anticipation of a new message. Students will have a means of ‘discreetly’ checking their inbox during school, despite the fact that mobile phones are forbidden in class. The list goes on. Although smartwatches may make communicating through technology easier, it seems that it could actually hinder face-to-face communication.

Much like a phone, the watch would also need to be charged every day. This is yet another aspect of the device which sets its apart from any ‘normal’ watch. If, like me, you struggle when remembering to put your phone on charge, this is a not necessarily a positive thing.

I do have to agree, however, the watch has some interesting and purposeful functions. As a fitness monitor, the device can be used to create and record sporting activities. This could be of particular interest to sports fans. Whilst there are several existing android apps that can already do this, I can see that the Apple watch would be a more convenient way of exercising without a mobile phone. The questions remains, however, is the price worth the benefits?

Whilst there are clearly both positive and negative aspects when it comes to Apple’s latest invention, I personally like my single-purpose watch that simply tells me the time! What about you? Would you be interested in having a smartwatch?

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